ted | travel | Friday, November 23rd, 2007

I’m really damn tired, also in France. Aside from the screaming baby with moron parents across the aisle from us on the plane & ancient craptastic 767, things have been great, especially the ultra smoov quiet fast sleep-inducing TGV ride from Paris gare du l’est to Nancy. Yeah, that’s the train line they set the rail speed record on – 574.8 km/h.

That’s real fucking fast.

And so far the people have been very nice, the scenery beautiful, shit is expensive (thanks, Federal Reserve!) and our travels utterly unaffected by the rail strike, despite taking two different rail lines.

stoke the boiler and pass the linament

ted | computer,house,offgrid | Friday, November 2nd, 2007

We have no bandwidth at home. None. The deathstar decided it would be a good idea to cancel our working DSL on our original phone line before activating it on the secondary phone line. The DSL might get turned back on as early as Monday. Might.

We had to pull out phone books yesterday to find a telephone number. This shit has got to get fixed.

Please, call us and release us from our boredom. If you’ve got my cell number, the message will tell you the real cell number on which to call me. If you have my home number, it should work.

Maybe our neighbors have wireless access and haven’t activated WEP/WPA. We’ll see.

I actually considered dialup for this weekend.


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