I voted. Did you?
If so, bully for you!
If not, you can fuck right off.
Chicago has these fancy new touchscreen machines, which I was all sorts of against, until I heard on some AM talk show (been on a big AM radio kick lately) that these particular machines had a built-in paper trail. After you reviewed your choices on-screen, it printed a paper receipt that you got to review through a window. After approving it and casting your ballot, it scrolled into the bowels of the machine. Neat. Apparently it’s a Sequoia AVC Edge w/VeriVote Printer.
My final votes are between myself and the Cook County Election Board, but suffice it to say that I had a pretty clear method of voting. I voted as you might expect someone of my age, location and socioeconomic group might with a few caveats. All those running unopposed got a saucy write-in candidate. Any incumbent Republicans got voted against, either by Green Party (where available) or Democrats. All judges with male-sounding names got voted against and all females got voted for. I like some churn in my gummint.
You know what else I like? WAFFLES.