spring ought six hamlog update

ted | HAMLOG | Thursday, April 13th, 2006

Yeah, I know, I was gonna keep this shit up to date. Shut up.

The short version is this – after xmas & nye, it had been a couple weeks since i had been to the gym. And i was eating a lot more. And drinking a lot more. I basically gained back 10 pounds of the 15 i had lost. Whoops.

Then i went to India for 2 weeks on the company dime and went all-vegetarian while I was there. I lost 5 pounds before I got back on the plane to Chicago, not for lack of eating. I ate all the delicious Indian food I wanted, albeit no buffets. Last year when I was there, I gained 10 pounds.

Encouraged by this success, I kept it up. We started monitoring portion control, set out a weekly menu, measuring out all ingredients, brown bagging my lunch every day. It’s been 2 months since I got back from India and a couple weeks paying close attention to what we eat.

I’ve lost 25 pounds (from my original start weight) and have yet to go back to the gym. I can only hope it will accelerate as soon as I get back on a bicycle or start lifting some heavy stuff again.

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